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Director’s Blog: Taking a Break from Alcohol Can be Good for Your Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

April 12, 2022

You know your nightly habit isn’t great for your health or waistline, but it’s so hard to say no. Taking a long enough break from alcohol to restore the body’s natural sleep rhythm could make a big difference in your mental clarity and function. Each of these breaks offers mental or physical (or both!) health benefits, which is why we take them in the first place. Taking a break from alcohol—even a short one—also provides a wealth of benefits. New draft Australian alcohol guidelines recommend healthy men and women should consume no more than ten standard drinks per week and no more than four standard drinks on any one day. However, keep in mind that these programs are aimed at social drinkers.

The Private Community is the place where all challengers get to share their experiences and personal journey in a safe and understanding environment. You probably watched your grandparents drink, your parents, your friend’s parents, your cousins, aunties, uncles, siblings, and before you knew it, you were necking your first few with your mates in the local park. That’s pretty normal when you consider how long alcohol has been in your life. Right now your connection to alcohol feels magnetic and you just can’t imagine living without it.

Questioning Your Relationship with Alcohol? Here’s What to Do Next

As the largest healthcare provider in Acadiana, we’re committed to delivering excellence and providing unparalleled care to the people and communities we serve. Former Marines and their families are seeking justice for the harmful effects of toxic drinking water at Camp Lejeune Military Base in NC. Charlotte and Max Knee-Zaska wanted to start a ‘sustainable community’ with a ‘slower pace of life’ – so they built their own commune. If you are really feeling stuck in a rut, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for their recommendations on ditching booze.

taking a break from alcohol

These individuals may also come to your assistance in social drinking settings or when you’re getting the third degree from others. Taking up a hobby such as sport or painting can be a healthy replacement for your 6pm drink and planning ahead for social occasions will mean you’re better prepared for temptations.

Over time, you come to realise that the benefits of being without alcohol are so much greater than drinking it.

It can be hard to resist that allure, but a no alcohol challenge can improve your health and it’s not as hard as you might think. “I have found kombucha to be an effective tool in transitioning off nightly nightcaps,” says Koskinen. If you take a break from drinking, look at how much cash you’ll save— it could easily be hundreds! Think about all of the rewarding ways you could spend your extra cash . These ideas are all helpful when you’re taking a break from drinking. Contact Confidant Health for more great tips to help you cut back. Although you may be struggling or dealing with some negative emotions too, focusing on what’s good will make you feel like this experience is worthwhile.

Why it’s good to take a break from drinking?

Better Mood

Most people find themselves feeling happier and less anxious when they take a break from drinking – there is sometimes a thing called the 'pink cloud' where we can actually start to feel euphoric as those brain chemicals start to shift after a couple of days without drinking.

The day you no longer fear living without alcohol is a very liberating and empowering place. Right now the thought of going without a beer is probably filling you with dread. Imagine those positive changes applied to your life year after year and the difference it will make to who you become. With more energy and spark, you’ll be more productive at work, fitter, and more likely to go after your goals. With more time and energy, you can get out for an early morning run instead of lying in bed hungover.

Tell anyone you live with that you’re taking a booze break

Close your eyes, listen to the morning songs of the birds, and breathe in that fresh air. To make 2022 your healthiest year yet, visit /healthyyou.

“Even moderate drinkers who stop drinking for two months tend to overdrink when they start again,” Dr. Koob says. Nobody really knows why, he says, but it seems to be some kind of overcompensation for the time you lost. It may be that your drinking habits calm down after the novelty of celebrating a month or two of sobriety wears off, but Dr. Koob says it’s important to keep it on your radar so you can avoid overdoing it. Alcohol saps your body’s hydration—and it’s widely known that your skin needs hydration to stay plump and healthy. Josep Genebriera, M.D., a dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, points out that drinking causes both short-term flushing and long-term changes to your skin. When your body breaks down alcohol, it triggers the release of hormones like estrogen and histamine.

So, You’re Trying To Take A Break From Drinking…Now What?

Then, college, university, your twenties, and thirties all drenched in booze. With the TV on and your feet up you crack open a cold beer or a new bottle of wine. You wish you could have the energy to be more productive at work or start your own business but you just don’t have the motivation. There are many ways to deal with drink urges such as distraction , or avoiding triggers . Research shows that if we use these methods, along with mindfulness exercises and a cognitive behavioral approach, we can improve our ability to cope with urges to drink when they arise.

taking a break from alcohol

Between the dehydration, lowered immunity, and hormonal changes from alcohol, it can wreak all kinds of havoc on your skin, leading to breakouts, inflammation , dryness, and more. Studies have even linked moderate alcohol consumption to an increased risk of rosacea in women. While that amount is generally thought to be okay for your health, having more than that on a regular basis isn’t.

thoughts on ““Doing a 30”: How To Stop Drinking For A Month”

When you’re at home, pick up a new hobby or revisit an old one. Painting, board games, playing a musical instrument, woodworking — these and other activities are great alternatives to drinking. Drink soda, water, or juice after having an alcoholic beverage. From the legendary Magic Cream to the best-selling Pillow Talk Mascara, the Charlotte Tilbury advent calendar 2022 contains products you’ll really use.

How long does it take to reset your alcohol tolerance?

It's important to note that it takes more than a weekend of abstinence to reset alcohol tolerance. Tolerance may begin to diminish after a few days, but it may take two weeks to return your tolerance level to normal.

Alcohol’s impact on the bacteria in your body can increase gastric levels and acid secretion and speed up digestion, often causing diarrhea or constipation depending on the person, type of alcohol, and amount consumed. Excessive alcohol use can also impact your liver, where alcohol is metabolized, causing a build up of fats, inflammation, and scarring , significantly disrupting its normal functioning. If you’re used to de-stressing after work with a glass of wine, try a quick burst taking a break from drinking alcohol of exercise. Not feeding the habit comes down in part to changing the ways you enable or encourage drinking. Own Your Limits is a Defense Department education campaign, aligned to the Defense Health Agency, for the U.S. military. The mission of the campaign is to help Service members learn to drink responsibly, if they choose to drink alcohol. For example, if you usually have a glass of wine when you get home from work, try something new, like taking a walk or doing a yoga class.

Posted in Sober living